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MIX Application

Updated: September 7, 2024

Part 1

I chose to study abroad with the Mānoa International Exchange (MIX) program mainly because when comparing at what MIX and SAC (Study Abroad Center), I realized SAC did not have the program with Yonsei University that I wanted. I wanted to study at Yonsei in the fall of 2024 and SAC only provided summer programs in Korea. I could do this with MIX. MIX is also provides less technical support than SAC, meaning I did most of my applications, travel bookings, etc., myself. With SAC, students will travel in cohorts with other students and a faculty member from UH Mānoa. They will also provide more hands-on support with tasks like secondary university and VISA applications.


August 1, 2023

I recommend getting started as early as possible and pacing yourself especially if you're a big procrastinator like me. There are several essays to write and each takes a lot of time and research to complete. I started working on my application as soon as it came out. Shidler students may refer to this site to check which universities have course equivalents to the courses they need or want to take.


I also recommend asking lots of questions to past MIX and/or SAC students to get advice. I would especially ask questions to those who studied in the countries you want to or are thinking about traveling to.

Join clubs like the International Business Organization (IBO) to learn more about students' study abroad and exchange experiences. You can learn about study abroad and exchange in general. You can also be exposed to the different scholarship opportunities available. Even though I knew studying abroad in Korea was something I wanted to do going into university, I was still hesitant and scared to make the decision but asking lots of questions, attending coffee chats and joining IBO helped immensely.

December 1, 2023

Application Submitted

The deadline for this round of applications for the fall 2024 semester was December 1st, 2023 and I submitted mine on November 28. I usually like to complete my work about a week prior to the deadline and wait until about 2-3 days before the deadline to submit in case I miss anything.

January 29, 2024

MIX Nomination released

The day you receive your MIX nomination may vary but it will typically be released sometime at the beginning of the semester to give you time to work on your secondary and scholarship applications.


Once you receive your nomination, there will be more steps to take (this is different from the next steps information Kathy will provide later on). These steps include the MIX nomination form and MIX Pre-departure orientation online course on the Canvas website.

February 26, 2024

MIX Welcome Orientation

During the online welcome orientation, Kathy explains what to expect in the coming months and more on the international exchange process, in general.

May 23, 2024

Received "Next Steps" email and secondary application from Yonsei

The "Next Steps" email emphasizes the need to complete your secondary application to the institution you will be studying at overseas and the pre-departure checklist you received with your MIX nomination email. The pre-departure checklist includes:

  • ​Applying for your visa

  • Signing waivers and agreements

  • Applying for financial aid (optional)

  • Registering your MIX placeholder course

June 18,2024

MIX online pre-departure orientation

During the pre-departure orientation, a MIX in-bound student studying in the country you will travel to speaks about their experience abroad whilst in the country. This online orientation is different from the welcome orientation because it is attended by students who will study in the same country as you. It is dedicated to discussing what to expect that country.

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